Herbalism is a natural means of combating disease. Herbs are the product of nature, containing substances timely distributed, which are necessary for building up and maintaining the organs of the body, and they aid in performing vital functions.
These substances are partly in the same condition as they are present in the human system. Therefore, they are directly assimilated and readily taken up in the circulation of the blood and undergo certain changes in the digestive tract. For this reason they are better suited for the treatment of disease than chemicals and other substances foreign to the human body.
No laboratory in the world will ever be able to supplant the remarkably fine process which takes place in the living cell. Thomas A. Edison, our American genius, expressed his belief on the subject by saying: “Until man duplicates a blade of grass, Nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge.”
There is no favorable comparison with the products of nature as the living cells of the plant the final results of the rays of the sun, the life-giving electricity that GOD implanted in the seed, and the miracle of daily growth to maturity.
The body has not the ability to directly assimilate mineral substances and therefore cannot utilize them in any way. This is the reason a harmless herb has often a stronger and more beneficial effect than the strongest chemical.
In addition to their medicinal properties, the newest discoveries of the different Vitamins although in small quantities in plant and animal life, they perform vital functions. These vitamins are entirely lacking in minerals. The deficiency of these elements cannot be balanced by administering mineral substances. Only Organic vitamins and minerals can supply the remedy of the deficiency of a diseased body and assist in its recovery. Herbs contain them in finely distributed and prepared state, and may be readily assimilated by the system and conveyed to the blood.
Botanical medicine is the oldest branch of medicine. The herbs are GOD’s gift to man. They undoubtedly suggested themselves to man instinctively, and there is nothing mysterious about medicinal plants.
“And GOD said, Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed.”1
1 Bereshit Genesis 1:29
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
“He caused the grass to grow for cattle, and the herb for the service of man, that he might bring forth good out of the earth.”2
“And the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.”3
There you have it, the oldest medicinal plan for disease. It is the one system that has survived amidst persecutions and ridicule of those who have tried to improve upon it but miserably failed.
With all of our boasted knowledge, we have to admit that the native African and North American Indian, in his native state, unskilled in letters, without any knowledge of anatomy, physiology or chemistry, wrought cures with simple herbs which baffle the best efforts of the medical schools. A great medical botanist and reformer, Dr. Coffin, was cured by an unlettered Indian woman of what was declared (by the medical establishment) to be incurable consumption. I tell his story in his own words written about one hundred years ago. I tell it to inspire others who desire to help others, and because it demonstrates the value of proven herbal remedies.
Dr. Coffin wrote: “Our early life was devoted to the study of medicine as taught in the schools. Anxious to be perfect in the science, we studied with unremitting diligence. From the sedentary nature of our occupation, dyspepsia, or indigestion, soon made its appearance, to relieve which we made use of the best means within our reach, all of which failed to produce any change in the symptoms. In the approaching autumn, we caught a severe cold, which added considerably to the difficulty of affecting a cure.”
“These misfortunes took place at the age of sixteen. On the return of milder weather the cough left us, and during the summer months our health visibly improved and our friends indulged in the hope of recovery; but, as the cold season advanced, the cough returned with more than its former violence, and continued its annoyance throughout the winter. We then began to expectorate a bluish-grey, gluey matter, which was regarded as an unfavorable symptom.”
“The expectoration continued its violence, increasing whenever we had the misfortune to renew the cold. In this miserable state we lingered on for two or three years, the enemy gaining strength and entrenching himself more firmly in our vitals, until he appeared to have gained full possession of the citadel of life. The most eminent of the faculty attended us, but all their efforts were abortive in the end. We continued to grow weaker, and were reduced to almost a skeleton and frequently raised from our lungs more than a pint of blood at a time.
2 Psalms 104:14
3 Ezekiel 47:14
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970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
Our master, and others of the faculty, thought us beyond the reach of human aid. We were resigned to our fate, for suffering had taught us to feel that we were destined for the grave.”
“At this time a tribe of Seneca Indians were encamped in the neighborhood, and one of the women, or squaws, as they are termed, saw us and enquired how long we had been in that condition. When she learned of the particulars she told us not to fear, for that she would affect a cure. She brought from the fields and in three months, thanks o her aid, we were restored to perfect health.”
Dr. Coffin never suffered a relapse, we are told. After receiving his medical diploma, he stored it away, subsequently lived with the Indians and learned of their herbal remedies, studied at length along herbal lines. He traveled, lectured, taught, and preached herbal healing. In the several years he spent in England, he established a number of centers of herbal healing.
The champions of Herbalism that were at one time medical men are legion. It would be logical to think that those who are the guardians of health would extend a hand in congratulation to one of their own profession who has cured the so-called incurables, but past history is one record after another of insults, persecution, and the revoking of licenses.
To those who are interested, you may find such medical men names as Skelton, Fox, Samuel Westcott Tilke, Dr. D. Younger, Hood, Hughes, Blunt, Parkinson and many others listed as converts to Herbalism. A famous Samuel Thompson with only one month of education will be remembered as long as a history of healing art is written in the English language. Although at the age of eight years he had a very good knowledge of roots and herbs, he had given up all thought of becoming a physician by the time he was twenty-two. However, he was so successful in treating members of his own family when given up to die by the regular physicians that his neighbors also appealed to him for help. Regular physicians had also failed them.
He was called upon so much that he finally determined to give up his farm and practice his art. So by 1805 he was in full practice in his own home town. A yellow fever epidemic broke out that year, and while the regular physicians lost some fifty percent of their cases, he lost none. In 1806 we find him successfully fighting the disease in New York.
He was so successful that he was defamed and slandered by the regulars that he left his home town. He was called to Vermont by the people, who, in the face of a deadly epidemic, and finding that the regular physicians were helpless having lost twenty-two cases, held a consultation and decided to send for him. He met the men in charge of the sick, and asked for two assistants, and then commenced practice upon thirty patients, curing all except two who were past help when he arrived.
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970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
Herbalism has firmly established itself in England and is a constant challenge to Allopathy. They have their national and local associations. They keep an eye on legislation. They have made their voice heard with a certain sound on many occasions.
We have seen that the use of herbal remedies dates from long ages past, but with no less vigor in its assaults upon disease. As we have glimpsed the success in the use of nature’s herbs in the hands of a few who have blessed humanity, I ask you to turn to these same remedies, convinced by your own experience, that in your hands the same virtues may be brought forth to bless multitudes and bring to you, dear reader, the joy unspeakable that comes to those great hearts, who find their greatest reward in the service that restores health and banishes sickness.
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
Table of Contents
Chapter Page
How I became a Therapist
Can Science Produce Life?
The High Voltage Man!
Bio-Electricity in Health and Healing
The Place of Herbs in Natural Therapy
Food Elements Needed for Glands
Organic Minerals
Principle Foods Containing Organic Minerals
Definition of Terms
Natural Healing Powers within Us
Vita Therapy for Specific Conditions
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
How I Became a Therapist
To many who have attended my lectures, my story is not new. Others will still find it, a parallel to their own experience. Still others will hold to their prejudices and so lose a wonderful experiment in natural therapies that will richly reward those who listen to nature’s language and obey her laws.
My story begins with a medical problem that bewildered some of the best specialists in the State of Oregon, USA. It concerns my daughter. In her case, every known test was made to determine to designate the cause of her condition diagnosed as Nephrosis, a term to designate the last stage of Brights Disease and a hopeless one. After eight days of routine laboratory tests, specialists concluded that her tonsils were responsible and must come out. My wife and I never questioned the diagnosis or that the removal of her tonsils was the only possible way to save her life. However, surgery was impossible until a 4-plus albumin and edema condition could be reduced to a safe minimum. Penicillin was prescribed to be administered every three hours by injection and a spray to her tonsils hourly. The therapy was faithfully administered day and night, but our daughter’s condition failed to respond to this unnatural therapy. In later years I learned that nature’s Vital Forces reject things it cannot utilize, provided the Vital Force is of sufficient strength. Our Vital Force will reject that which is harmful.
Urination became impossible for her except by the use of the most extreme measures, and then only to obtain a mere specimen. Laboratory reports confirmed medical opinion that our girl’s days were numbered. One physician suggested surgery even though all laboratory tests showed a progressively worsening condition. Whereupon we decided to get a more thoughtful doctor’s opinion and request him to do the surgery, if, in his opinion her condition so indicated it. After a brief urine test, he said, “I will not be responsible for the death of your child. No child could survive surgery with that amount of albumin showing in her urine.” We thanked GOD that he was not willing to bury another physician’s mistakes.
We were finally told that she could not possibly live through another winter. Our church pastor who was concerned about the decision, told us of an Indian Herbalist whose good reputation was well known and residing in Chico, California. Having had a previous successful experience with a Chinese Herbal Doctor, we decided to follow his suggestion and grasp at that “last straw.” By now her body was so filled with edema that her eyelids were protruding, and before we arrived in Chico her urine had completely stopped.
As soon as we arrived, we began to inquire of this most unusual man referred to as the Herb Doctor. We were assured by every person we asked about him that we had come to the right man.
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970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
I tell you in all sincerity that it is not my purpose to write to slander the medical profession because they failed to effect a cure but rather that I may contribute something of value to doctors and layman alike. I have medical friends who are as devoted in their service to humanity as I, and who have used the methods I will describe, without embarrassment. In fact, one doctor reported to me that she had not seen in her more than forth years of practice, such satisfying and lasting accomplishments as she had seen in my office. Other doctors have expressed their delight in finding a substitute for drugs that often leave side effects more aggravating than the discomfort they tried to relieve. Those who have been so courageous as to try the revived, tried and proven therapies should receive our congratulations and patronage.
Now back to my story. The motel owners, with whom we had reservations, suggested that we go to the herbalists office early, as patients were usually there at an early hours in order to see the doctor that day. The next morning I found myself in a long line with patients at 6:30 AM. Many had been there all night. While waiting for the office door to open, victims of cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis kidney disease, and eczema were a few that I quizzed. All were jubilant as they told of their rapid approach to recovery. Most of them were told by their physicians that their cases were incurable, yet here was the living proof of what simple remedies can do.
One who had lived in Chico for years was sent by her physician to a skin specialist in Chicago, Illinois, of whom it was said that he was the only one in the United States that could cure her son’s condition. The doctor in Chicago said it was too much for him and so sent her to the only one that could cure him in New York City. This specialist said that his condition was incurable. That the disease would spread over the entire body and that the encrustation covered a given percent of his body, the boy would die. She returned home completely discouraged. Friends persuaded her to consult the “herb man” for she had nothing to lose. Sixty days later the condition could scarcely be seen. Heart disease, asthma, and emphysema were commonly cured by using a knowledge that was handed down from one generation to another.
Hope revived. If I could only see this miracle man, for a miracle it must be if our daughter was to live. In fact it seemed impossible at the moment that she could survive another hour. As patients entered into the waiting room, each took a numbered card, sat down, and awaited his number to be called. Some cases, that were not serious, tired of waiting and left. As each one left, our chance of seeing him was one numbered card nearer. At 1:30 in the next morning our number was called and we were ushered into an unpretentious office. Our girl had been lying as one dead for several hours. Dr. Conway, as every one called him, gave us more information concerning our daughter in five minutes than in the previous nine months from medical doctors combined. The doctor gave her a small container of herb tea, waited ten minutes, then another, and still another ten minutes later. Then a smile creased his usually straight face as he
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970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
said, “you may take her back to the motel, she will be alright now.” On our way to the motel I remarked, “Have you ever seen anyone as crazy as that man? After nine months under a series of specialist’s care he tells us she will be alright now.” I personally felt we had been given the “brush-off.” No sooner had we arrived at our motel, however, than our daughter called, “potty,” and we heard that most welcome call frequently during the next five days and nights. On the sixth day a urine specimen was taken to the laboratory where our previous tests were run. At first the technician would not believe that the specimen was from our girl. Once convinced, she made the statement: “There is nothing in all medical science that could have done that.” The albumin was gone. There were no more signs of edema. Several years later, when she had fully recovered, a friend physician declared: “You did the only thing you could have done to save her.” I relate this experience to show that knowledgeable people are familiar with and recognize the therapeutic value of herbs.
Do you understand now why I am deeply concerned that the therapies I have learned be accepted on their own merits, in order that many in the depths of despair may find hope? It is for this reason that I write my story.
After thirty days we decided to return to Chico to see Dr. Conway. We had little difficulty in seeing him this time. We were called in between other numbers, for her realized the seriousness of her condition. He stood her on a table and examined her abdomen. He then remarked that she was full of worms. She got them from her pet dog. If only the medical doctor had been trained to believe that children do indeed have worms! More than ten months before I had suggested that possibility, but was told that children do not have worms, the idea being an old grandma’s tale. We could have been spared nine months of intense agony, wondering if our girl would live to see the light of another day.
The experience just related stirred me to obtain knowledge of Herbal Therapy. I noticed advertisements in the book “Back to Eden,” and promptly enrolled in their course of study. It was my good blessing to obtain a Masters Degree from the College. Soon after graduating, I had my first patient.
For more than two years I had been practicing Public Accounting when one of my clients came into my office with a sad facial expression instead of his usual broad smile. He confided that his father was in the local hospital. He had recently been transferred from the St. Nicholas Sanitarium in Portland, Oregon. He could not retain a teaspoon of water from his stomach and was expected to die at any hour. When he learned from me that Herbal Remedies often get results after all other efforts at recovery have failed, he arranged with the attending physician for me to administer nature’s herbs. By the grace of GOD and the newly learned knowledge of herbs, the man began to recover, and three months later his daughter photographed the patient and me as we stood together on the Parkview Rest-home lawn. He fully recovered and
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came to visit me frequently. This is the beginning of a story destined to change my entire future.
It took about a year to dispose of my accounting business and to equip myself for work in Physical Therapy. I found a satisfying experience in working with doctors, lawyers, judges, bankers, merchants, educational workers, and patients from many states. I enlarged my field of usefulness by securing an education in physiotherapy. Shortly after, I was introduced to a new science, yet not a new one, called “Vita Therapy.” This knowledge brought hundreds of people to our doors within the next few years. A medical doctor, hearing of our unusual successes, chose to affiliate with us. She did not regret the change from a program that depends upon every modern machine, to a simple health program that stresses good food, sunlight, fresh air, exercise, rest, and a good conscience toward GOD and man.
In the chapters that follow, I want the reader to benefit from our experiences. To prevent disease is always easier than to combat it. I believe that Vita therapy, Herbal therapy, Hydrotherapy, massage, reflexology, and Color therapy are recognized by many as useful tools to use in a sane approach to health. My Physical Therapy diploma is merely an indication of a tiny bit of knowledge. Experience often leads one into new methods of healing, even to the forsaking of old ones. Not one of the natural methods of healing have lost their virtues in the prevention and restoration to a normal way of life.
One fundamental truth that I learned from the Herbal College is one that I shall try to impress upon the mind of every reader, that a man is “A Living Soul” and not merely a chemical laboratory. Repeat this with careful thought over and over again. It may change your entire life’s habit of resorting to chemicals instead of living substances for living souls.
My hope is that you will learn to appreciate as I have, that the healing of the body, soul, and mind, is not a gift that lies exclusively with any one profession of the healing arts. I shall quote from men who stand high in the field of medicine.
It is because of these devoted men and past and recent discoveries in science research that I have chosen my immediate work. As evidence is submitted by any branch of the healing arts, the subject material being physiologically sound and born of experience, I shall investigate without prejudice. Why should any human being keep himself in ignorance because of prejudice? A medical friend told me that he honestly did not know why the medical profession considers Chiropractic medicine as quackery. He said that a group of students, of which he was one, oft chanted the words “quack, quack, quack” regarding the subject. Also that it was a feeling that generated within the classroom. Isn’t it a bit strange that prejudice can keep professional men from working together for the best good for suffering humanity? After all, does not the same State Board give the same basic test to Allopaths and Chiropractors alike?
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
From what I have witnessed within the past twenty years as a first hand observer, I believe that hundreds of thousands of lives would be spared the torments of ravaging diseases such as cancer or other dreaded diseases, if practitioners would rid themselves of biased opinions and open an inquiring mind to learn simple methods that have been successful irrespective of the profession.
Medical men have sailed the seas and crossed continents in the name of research for simple herbs that African’s use to curse cancer. At the same time, write articles in newspapers, medical and dental journals in which they refer to herbalists as quacks. Articles of this nature would disappear of the facts were known by Mr. Public. There will ever be unscrupulous men in their practice for a fortune, but who or in what profession is there one who dares to “throw the first missile.” What would happen if all, for the consideration of the other fellow, who profess to heal, would agree to heal or make no charge? Can you think of any good reason why this should not be done? Are we so afraid of our ability to perform with success that we dare not commit ourselves to such a course of action? If such a program were adopted, can you not see that men would be compelled to expand their methods into other practitioner’s areas or get out of business? Poor people with little means have been neglected, while the affluent have undergone apparent needless surgery.
Shall we not bend our wills and energies to the task of helping those who need help with any means at hand, and if that is not adequate, seek the aid of others regardless of the profession? You and I will then live and let live.
Even after I first began working as a Therapist, I was not certain that I wanted to make it my life’s work. It was because of a comment made to me by a medical physician, and the encouragement that I received from Registered nurses, long in experience, that I made a final decision.
I was working with the physician late into the night with some victims of multiple sclerosis cases, when he said a startling thing. It was: “Mr. Santee, I would like to work with you. In the medical field we have only a few specific medicines to use in specific cases and if they don’t work, we have merely Ash Can patients, but in the Herbal Field, if one remedy fails, you have a world of remedies to choose from.” Surely we do have the world from which we can select remedies for every ill that afflicts mankind.
Registered nurses, who have witnessed the effectiveness of the herbal program, have accepted it whole heartedly. Challenge after challenge, successfully met, influenced my decision to contribute in my humble way, to the cause of a more natural way of restoring health.
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
Can Science Produce Life?
Physicists, Biologists, and Private Researchers have worked blindly in their search for that elusive something we call LIFE. We usually define a thing, and know its component parts before we try to make it. Scientists have not defined it and they know very little about it except that it tingles with energy.
Although we find it difficult to define Life, it is clearly evident that the power that sustains it has a close relationship to electrical energy. Furthermore we know that this same electrical energy is manifest at the first sign of life and when measurable electrical impulses are gone, life no longer exists. This does not mean that electrical energy is life any more than to say that the swaying of the trees in the wind. Electricity must be generated. After it has been generated, it is still a mystery.
The science of Biophysics is one that is fascinating to every eager student of physiology. Biophysicists too are searching for the source of life. Intuitively we are all looking for it. The various routes that men have taken to find it have converged with a basic concept, that the real source of life is a mystery. Only its manifestations are known.
The term Bioelectricity” is used freely by Biophysicists. Robert Galambos, chief of the Department of Neurophysiology of the Walter Reed Institute of Research in Washington, D.D., wrote on “The Basis of Bioelectricity” in his book “Nerves and Muscles.” Note the word “battery” in his comment “Wherever they look, biophysicists experimenting on plants and animals find biological batteries.” The reference to the human battery is common with writers to convey the concept of electrical energy in plant and animal life.
All researchers have come to the basic conclusion that electrical energy exists in all forms of life. The eleven year study by Dr. H. S. Burr, Dr. F. S. C. Northrop, and Dr. Morgenau and carried by the major news, gives substance to theory. The article stated: “Evidence that basic electrical energy ebbs and flows in all living things, like the tide producing predictable changes in human personality and behavior, was presented here today in a symposium at the College of William and Mary… “Periodic predictable electrical rhythms exist not only in humans but in trees and other forms of life.”4 The symposium was further told by Dr. Burr: “The vigorous growth rates of plants already have been successfully predicted by measurement of the electricity in cotton seeds.”5
4 The Washington Post on November 22, 1957
5 Ibid
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
Could it be that the source of this electrical energy originates with someone bigger than man? No one man or groups of men have yet produced life. Truly the Creator of Man has imparted “his reflection6 and (which is) wonderfully made.”7
Life and electricity are closely related as we see from the statements which follow. One undoubtedly with special insight and an accepted authority in matters pertaining to health wrote: “A mysterious life pervades all nature, - a life that sustains the unnumbered worlds throughout immensity; that lives in the insect atom which floats in the summer breeze; that wings the flight of the swallow and feeds the young ravens which cry; that brings the bud to blossom and the flower to fruit.”8
All nature has a mysterious power that our Creator, who alone understands the law of creativity, has shed throughout the universe. The same author expanded the thought by writing: “There is life in the seed, there is power in the soil, but unless infinite power is exercised day and night, the seed will yield no return. The showers of rain must refresh the thirsty fields; the sun must impart warmth; electricity must be conveyed to the buried seed. The life which the Creator has implanted, He alone can call forth. Every seed grows and every plant develops, by the power of GOD.”9
Electricity is introduced here into the picture of life. What is that mysterious force that pervades all nature? Let us examine the thoughts of the scientific world on this subject. One writer says: “The ability of living cells to generate electricity is well established and at a recent World’s Fair a radio receiving set was operated by the electricity produced by living organisms. A number of scientists today are pursuing the theory that the mystery of life and the mystery of electricity are one and the same, and that the human lifeline is nothing more and nothing less than the allotment of so many kilowatt hours.”10
We respect the valuable contribution that these writers have made towards understanding this mystery. If we have learned nothing more than that there is an infinite power that pervades all nature, their research has not been in vain.
Electrical energy is governed by well defined fixed laws. This knowledge insures success in new ventures. When failures occur in natural research the law has been either misunderstood or ignored. To give full proof that plants and humans have an abundance of electrical energy I shall consider with you the chemical composition of a human, and show the relationship between the animal, vegetable; and mineral kingdoms.
6 The word “fearfully, reverence, worship etc.” also means “His reflection” ירא M. Jastrow p. 1435
7 Psalms 139:14
8 Medical Ministry, E. Harmon, p. 9
9 Education, E. Harmon, p. 104
10 James T. Fisher, MD, L. S. Hawley, publ. J.B. Lippincott Co., Phila. & N.Y. “A Few Buttons Missing,” p. 56-57
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
Neurophysiologist Robert Galambos, at the Walter Reed Army Institute, in his book states: “When the needle moves over the record, the phonograph cartridge will produce about 4 millivolts at frequencies from 20 to 20,000 cycles per second…The physiologist’s electrodes in brain or muscle similarly detect a few millivolts over just about the same frequency range…Half a century of progress in electrode, amplifier, and recording technology has brought the physiologist a long way down the road from blurred and scratchy amplifications of nervous activity toward truly high fidelity recordings.”11 And to show a relationship to plants, I quote again from the same source as follows: “A single plant cell displays electrical properties remarkably similar to those of a single nerve or a muscle cell of the frog.”12
You see we are brought face to face with the truth that “A mysterious life pervades all nature;” that the life that pervades and sustains it is electrical energy which originated with an All-Wise Creator, and bestowed upon man at creation.
Many eminent medical authorities recognize electrical energy as a Universal Law. Dr. George W. Crile, one of the great American medical authorities, declared in his address before the convention in Chicago of the American College of Surgeons: “Man is simply a mechanism run by electricity. This form of control of the body activity –ionization—has stood the test of the surgical clinic.”
Somehow this mysterious force utilizes the body components to set the human machine into operation. The elements Sodium and Potassium probably account for most of the measurable cell electrical potential. Robert Galambos graphically illustrated the results of ionic concentrations on either side of the cell membrane. He points out that the complex system of ions involved cannot overcome the special properties of the membrane in order to redistribute themselves so that the same number of both ions and electrical charges appears inside and outside the cell. The sudden shifts that occur in the concentrations of potassium and sodium on the two sides of the membrane make the electrical phenomena that are constantly flashing through every fiber of our being.
Electricity travels along nerves at rates varying from 1 meter to 100 meters per second. Dr. Von Urban, in his book tells us that “sparks have been observed to jump more than two inches” between recently showered married lovers following a 27 minute period of non-sexual affection.13 For centuries these attraction sparks given off from the body have been known.
A question that has been frequently asked is: ‘Do some have more electricity than others?’ Nutrition seems to affect the amount of energy one has. If you tire easily, your battery may
11 Nerves and Muscles, by Dr. Robert Galambos, p. 53
12 Ibid, p. 52
13 Researcher Walter Last citing “Sex Perfection and Marital Happiness,” Dr. Von Urban, Rider & Co., 1952
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
need a recharge. Since plants require particular elements to maintain their electrical charge, and animals are dependent upon the plants for continued growth and health, the same plant based dietary elements are essential to maintain our electrical energy.
Dr. George Collingwood, N.D., D.B.C., D.C. gave us a few morsels of nutritional knowledge to encourage us to search nature’s fields and forests in answer to our quest for correct answers. Dr. Collingwood studied in the School of Chemistry of Life under the late medical doctors George W. Carey and Benedict Lust. His mother, who, after suffering four strokes which left her unable to read, write, talk or walk, was more than fifty percent restored through the use of Bio-Chemistry. It was through her efforts that he studied this recognized branch of service to humanity.
He brings out the electrical aspects of balanced elements in his book “Life Chemistry or the Healing Power of Nature.” The following statement in his book: “There are four minerals always needed that we call positive. These are Calcium Phosphate, Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium Phosphate, and Sodium Phosphate and these are always combined together. There are eight other minerals we call negatives and we usually use four in combination and alternate with the positive. The ones most needed are Calcium, Iron Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Silicon…Use the combination any two and combine with Iron Phosphate and Potassium Chloride as these two are always needed.”14
The secret of mystery of life will not be found in some mysterious potion or bottle. Mysterious forces are at work in your garden or farm. Life’s electrical charges are found not only in food, but in pure water, fresh air, and sunlight. Food, from which the germ of life has been removed, is of small value in maintaining our electrical charge.
As important as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and alkalizers are in the sustenance of life, they are not enough. That vital spark of life must be added. Man cannot manufacture it. The chemist has found sixteen elements of which the body is constructed. While necessary to life, they do not contain life. They are present in life or death. You will find the same elements in the dirt in your own back yard. The chemist may fashion these elements into the form of a man, but he cannot make those elements a living being. The book of Books reveals that there is but one Life-giver and the Messiah following the Life-giver instructions brought a man Lazarus from the grave alive after he had been dead four days.15
There are many forces at work in the process of growth, the physical evidence of the existence of life. One of the forces is what science calls vitamins. We are reminded of their value by mail
14 Life Chemistry or the Healing Power of Nature, Dr. G. Collingwood, N.D., D.B.C., D.C., p. 11
15 John 11:14, 39-44
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970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
and television until every child is as well informed about they as they are about commercials. Without vitamins no food will be utilized nor will any activity take place within the body.
Anything that grows contains vitamins. To be more explicit I will say that vitamins are found in all seeds, grains, legumes and nuts. They are also found in fruits, leaves, herbs and roots.
As the plant contains vitamins, so also in the animal that consumes these, there are daily vitamin requirements. Within a scientific study, a monkey fed a very good ration but with vitamins removed, died in ninety days.
It appears that the action of vitamins and Bio-electricity is the same. One is as mysterious as the other. An interview between Dr. Willis R. Whitney, vice-president of the General Electric Company and director of its Research Department and a great scientist, George McCready Price, appeared in the New York Times Magazine,16 as follows:
“In the course of this interview, mention was made of electricity and magnetism, and the scientist illustrated his meaning by bringing a bar magnet into action, remarking that nobody knows why a magnetized body acts as it does. ‘We speak of lines of force,’ he said. ‘We draw a diagram of the magnetic field. We know there are no lines there, and “field” is just a word to cover our ignorance.
“Dr. Whitney then adjusted the bar magnet above another and larger magnet, with the result that the smaller one was held suspended above the larger one, an experiment often repeated in the laboratory. ‘What supports it?’ he asked. ‘Sir Oliver Lodge says it is the all pervading ether. But Einstein denies that there is any ether. Which is right? I say that the magnet floats in space by the will of GOD. The magnet repels another magnet by the will of GOD. And no man today can give a more precise answer.”
He was asked what he meant by this expression, ‘the will of GOD.’ “What do you mean by light?’ was his retort. ‘A beam of light comes speeding from a star, traveling from hundreds of years, and finally reaches your optic nerve, and you see the star. How does it do that? We have our corpuscular theory of light, our wave theory, and now our quantum theory, but they are all just educated guesses. About as good an explanation as any is to say that light travels by the will of GOD. The best scientists have to recognize that they are just kindergarten fellows playing with mysteries – our ancestors were and our descendants will be.”
The researchers of the mystery of electricity or magnetism are no longer confining their efforts to electricity or magnetism to the kind generated by man-made apparatus, but rather to the Bio-magnetic animal.
16 November 2, 1970
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In our backyard are sunflowers over 12 feet tall. Each started from a single cell. I hold a rose in my hand and ask, ‘Where did you get your beauty and fragrance?’ The thought comes to me that there is a Master Designer and that designer knows the secret, the mystery that the chemist, the botanist, the physiologist, the doctor and the greatest scientists of all generations can never solve. And the thought is overwhelming when I think that “The same power that upholds nature is also working also in man. The same great laws that guide alike the star and the atom control human life.”17
Does it seem strange to you that this mysterious life force has been used for centuries to bring healing to many victims of accident of disease by the simple application of the hands? Yes, hands.
But first we must determine that whether or not these elements named ‘Life Rays’ actually flow from the body. Dr. Dmitri Borodon, a Russian Scientist said: “Study of the mitogentic rays, known as M-rays or life-rays, the ultra-violet emanations of living things, plants, and animals proves that each living thing gives out a ray of a definite wave-length; it has been found by other investigators the wave-length of these emanations differ with different parts of the animal body. The eyes, the muscles, the finger tips, the blood- each has its own different wave-length.”
Again Dr. George W. Crile of Chicago, Illinois said: “The protoplasm of animals emits radiations of various wave-lengths some as short, hence as powerful as those emitted by the sun, therefore animals can confer upon atoms chemical affinities such as are conferred by the sun.” He uses an illustration of electricity in a car as the control of the driving power. When the electricity is cut off, the power is gone. He asks: ‘”What is the driving power?” Then answers referring to the body: “It is that invisible something that flows from the brain, through the nervous system to the organs, thereby enabling them to function perfectly.”
So there you have it. That invisible something, Life rays, violet rays, Electricity, Bio-magnetic emanations, radiations, wave-lengths, each researcher using a language that emphasizes the same basic concept that we are a great electrical machine, giving off healing rays as powerful as the sun.
Just a quick review in conclusion of the scientific factual findings relative to “Life:” It is the driving power that enables the organs to function normally. The driving power is Bio-electricity. This kind of electricity is known as M-rays of Life rays. They are measurable. The life rays are health rays. They can be conferred upon atoms of which we are composed. The nerves convey the electricity from the brain via the nerves to every part of the body. And in the next chapter I intend to show that these rays or emanations can be and have been used in healing; that
17 Education, E. Harmon, p. 99
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medical doctors, nurses, Chiropractors and laymen use the “Life rays” with outstanding and gratifying results.
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The High Voltage Man
You have seen the sign BEWARE! HIGH VOLTAGE! on electrical power company premises. Do not be concerned over the voltage in man. It is there alright, but perfectly controlled.
The brain is the power plant or built-in generator. The nerves have been compared to electric wires. To quote Dr. Crile again: “Our body is a great electrical machine and there is no conceivable value of the construction of the nervous system other than to carry this electric force t the various parts of the body. If the nervous system is the wire or conductor of this electrical force, it is easy to understand why an organ may partially or completely cease to function when this nerve force is cut off.”
Scientists estimate that the brain is equipped with approximately fifteen billion brain cells at birth called neurons and they remain throughout life to record and store data or may assist in carrying on the complicated daily activities of life. Every act of life is thought to be represented by fixed electrical circuits that never cease to function in the brain. These recordings are played over time and time again as life’s experiences need them to evaluate new information and thus use good judgment. Electrical circuits from outside stimuli are constantly pouring into the message centers.
How important then that we choose the proper stimuli. With television in the home, the outside stimuli could lend to making improper decisions and consequently poor judgment. Everything we see, hear, feel, smell or taste is transmitted to our electrical senses and interpreted by them. Can you imagine one having a proper evaluation of music whose musical education came from listening to the “Beatles” or “Flintstones?” The result of such stimuli is a generation of youth who have seemingly lost their direction pertaining to a sense of values.
An estimate is made that there are some 180 trillion cells in the human body, each one electrical, and each contributing its share of electrical energy. One can easily believe then that he is a dynamic person.
Dr. Erskine Yergin of whom George Starr White, M.D. was a personal admirer, was a prominent medical physician and scientist connected with the Chicago, Illinois, Clinic for more than ten years, proved by the use of a dynamo that man has have far more electrical energy than the body needs for normal operation. The unused energies emanate from the hands. These energies were visible to the eye and always travel over the same routes.
He demonstrated by holding his thumb near a dynamo when a transparent streak was observed to come from it and encircle the dynamo. By holding each finger towards it separately a different color appeared from each finger. The color blue flowed from the index finger, yellow from the second finger, white from the fourth or ring finger, and red from the little finger. Dr.
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Yergin explained that these colors are chemicals; that they do not always take on the same form, but are always true to color.
Therefore, the electricity emanating from the hands give to the patient being treated, the benefit of the element that makes it. The energy is readily absorbed by the patient because nature supplied it.
Now there is both polarity and magnetism in electricity, and this may be the reason for the term magnetic healing. There is a vast difference between this kind of magnetism that every person has used by holding his hands on a painful bruise, and the school of thought within the mid nineteenth century. In those days the terms “electric physician” and “Magnetic Healer” were used to refer to healers using mesmerism or hypnosis. One early school held that hypnosis was produced by electrical forces in the human body.
Many practice ancient methods of hypnosis today. Those whose minds may be influenced by hypnosis think they are healed at the moment, when in reality they are under the hypnotic influence of the so-called Hypnotherapist. Any attempt at a cure that is dependent upon another’s influence on the mind maybe in for a sad disillusionment. I do not want others to gain control of my mind when GOD gave me a mind to think for myself. Any system of healing that is not as effective for the unconscious as for the one with his full thinking capacity is not the answer for the maladies of mankind.
Coming back to the thought of polarity, I submit to you that polarity is a law of the universe. Every cell has it. World’s are held in space by it. There could be no electricity or magnetism without opposite poles. Your car is equipped with batteries having a negative and a positive Pole. The human body also has polarity.
Dr. Galambos in his book “Nerves and Muscles,”18 has this comment: “It makes no difference whether the cell comes from a plant, fish, or man; it may originally have been part of the liver or brain; so far as we know, every cell possesses a polarized membrane across which a measurable potential exists.
“The polarized portion of the membrane of the cell has never been seen, even with an electron microscope, and so, like the electron and the atom, it might be called a figment of the image of scientific imagination. The biological membrane may exist; just as atoms and electrons may exist: no one knows for sure. What we do know, however, is that nerve and muscle cells behave as if covered by polarized membranes, and if we suppose they are, we can readily explain many experimental results.”
18 Nerves and Muscles, Dr. Galambos, p. 39
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It has been proven experimentally that a person is either right or left handed because of the polarity pattern in the brain. The Czechoslovakian physiologist Bures abolished EEG waves by drilling a hole through the skull and dropping a small quantity of potassium chloride upon the surface. If the KCl solution was applied to the left half of the brain, the EEG waves disappeared on that side only. The results of this experiment showed that one side of the body is controlled by the opposite side of the brain. Problems arising on one side of the body could lead us, therefore, to suspect a disorganization of the brain on the opposite side.
That failure may result in treatments given by a left-handed person using his right hand where his left hand should be, an experience related may prove a point. A man and his wife came to our office with their son who had a painful mastoid. I had been treating the boy for a while when I decided on going to lunch, whereupon I asked the father to continue the treatment exactly as I had been treating. When I returned, the father had discontinued the treatment because the pain had returned. The man was left-handed. I instructed him to trade positions with his hands and within five minutes, the boy was resting easier again. This experience revealed two things: 1. there is a positive law involved that must be observed in order to benefit from VITA THERAPY treatments. 2. The electric circuits in the brain cause one to be either right-handed or left-handed.
A few more comments with reference to the brain being the generator or powerhouse may prove helpful, for the current from the brain is a vital source of energy that is drawn upon to restore normal function to crippled parts of the body.
Note this statement by Dr. Ralph Sockman,19 “Our minds are not mere self-starting, self-generating motors of mental energy. They are receivers and transformers of a power that plays upon them. And when we humble ourselves to recognize that power and attune ourselves to receive it, we are surprised by the wonders we can work.”
It was my privilege to witness numerous tests made on patients with suspected disorders of the central nervous system. On the patients head a bundle of wires were pasted which led to a box nearby. A cable extended through a hole in the wall where it entered the side of an instrument which recorded the brain waves generated inside the patients head. Doctors have named these brain wave recordings electroencephalograms, or for brevity sake, the EEG.
It was a rare treat for me to visit the Biology Department of Washington State University at Fullman, Washington. The brain of a cat was the subject for study of brain cells which control certain areas in the body. I was told that one brain cell has an electrical ionic potential of one
19 General Features Corporation, QUOTE, Dr. Ralph Sockman, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 9
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millivolt. Multiply one of those little volts by 15 billion and we arrive at 15 million biological volts. However, the voltage is somewhat less as groups of cells cooperate to perform various functions.
Another experiment supported the theory that minute outside disturbances travel to the brain in split seconds, as is indicated by the oscilloscope. Our brain is constantly charged with those ions in the air surrounding us. Scientists tell us that we breathe and retain approximately 50,000 ions after each act of respiration. Deep breathing then has merit.
The term psychosomatic medicine is used extensively the past few years. It has support only from the fact that we are a great electrical machine. Machines for measuring the electrical output of the body have been in use since 1937 as you will see from the quotation that follows: “By the aid of a recently perfected instrument which can measure an electric current as small as one two hundred thousandth of a volt, Yale scientists have shown by many thousands of tests that every living thing generates electricity in quantities that can be measured. . . By the aid of this new means of studying life processes, the need of which has long been recognized, it is believed that many new and important facts will be in due time discovered.”20
More than sixty years ago Dr. George W. Crile, M.D. made a meaningful contribution to the advancement of this science by this statement: “Man is a mechanism run by electricity and chemical reaction, a machine made up of twenty-eight trillion cells is a tiny wet battery, with negative and positive poles. The greater the difference in electric potential—the difference between positive and negative—the greater the energy. Electricity keeps the flame of life burning in the cell and the flame—oxidation—supplies the electricity used in operating the animal.
“The medical man of the future will ‘tune’ in on the living body as one does now on the ordinary radio. By ‘listening in’ to the short waves transmitted by the various organs, he will hear the symphony played by the living organism and will determine the rhythms of the ‘dance of life.’… long before there is any outward evidence of disease, the physician-radio-engineer of the future will thus be enabled to tell by the ‘reception’ of the ‘life waves’ whether they are playing a melody of health or signaling an S.O.S.”21
In 1932, Lewis R. Keller, PhD., wrote: “In a study of two hundred cases of high blood pressure, there was a permanent improvement in eighty percent of the cases by the frequent inhalations
20Good Health, J.H.Kellog, MD, Feb. 1937, p. 49.
21 Ellis Research Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.
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of negative ions.”22 Once again, the principle of polarity has been brought sharply into our intellectual focus.
The aforementioned Dr. Crile, in his book “The Phenomena of Life”23 holds that oxidation is the primary source of bio-electricity. In the year 1868, a layman wrote: “Air is the free blessing of heaven calculated to electrify the whole system.”24
The Harvard School of Public Health determined the number of electrified air particles per cubic foot of air in a room. Thirty-four people came into the room. After twenty minutes only one-fifth of the ions remained. One hour’s time was required for a normal amount of ions to be restored but only after all the people had left the room. A friend told me recently that he witnessed a demonstration at the Loma Linda University where this was done: Researchers demonstrated that the red corpuscles which carry oxygen are so heavily charged with electricity that their combined charge would light a 25 watt bulb enough so one could read by its light for five minutes.
Someone has likened the brain to four quadrillion dynamos, and that the electric distribution system of the human body is more intricate, delicate and vastly greater than all the lines of communication on earth.
Before the turn of the century, this was written: “The brain is the capital of the body, the seat of all the nervous forces and of mental action. The nerves proceeding from the brain control the body. By the brain nerves, mental impressions are conveyed to all the nerves of the body as by telegraph wires; and they control the vital action of every part of the system. All the organs of motion are governed by the communications they receive from the brain.”25
I now quote again from Dr. Galambos: “At the present time most biologists feel that bio-electricity can indeed be explained by physical processes but that the method that the cell uses it not exactly any one of these just listed, nor has man ever duplicated the complete process in the laboratory or in industry. Bio-electric potential appears to be due to the physical separation of positively and negatively charged ions.”26
Light and sound have been shown by many experimenters to be of an electrical nature. Color is a combination of negatively and positively charged chemicals. Color therapy is not new. Tosay that color is not therapeutic is to expose one’s absence of information. Have you ever worn clothes that brightened your disposition? If your spirits are lifted in the presence of colors they
22 The Journal of the Franklin Institute, Lewis R. Keller, PhD., November 1932
23 Dr. Crile, The Phenomena of Life, p. 17
24 Testimonies, Vol. 1, E. Harmon, p. 701
25 E. Harmon
26 Nerves and Muscles, Dr. Galambos, p. 60, par. 2.
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are of health value to you. A Chiropractor demonstrated to me the effect of color upon the body: He placed a red sweater across the vertebrae of a patient with the result that the muscles of the spine drew on one side and drew the leg up, making it appear to be shorter on that side. Red in this case was detrimental. There is no doubt that colors placed upon the human body could hinder or promote health.
Hospitals have experimented with colored rooms, some green, others in shades of blue, or yellow, and even red to study the effect of color upon patients. High blood pressure patients seem to respond favorably to light green. We had a patient who responded to pale green light therapy after other remedies failed. More is to come as we get into specifics.
Flowers have helped in the recovery of the sick. The earth is carpeted with green and the ever green tree is known to possess healing virtues. Elements in food are detected by color. For example, if we need potassium, we select green foods. It was our literary friend, H. E. Kirschner, M.D., who probably wrote more articles about the therapeutic value of green plants and their juices than any doctor in any branch of healing.
Consider for a moment the sixteen elements of which our bodies are composed. Scientists have assigned atomic weights to each element. The concept is that we are made of atoms. Very little was known about the power of one atom until it was split. In science, there appeared an atom count of the minerals in the body.27 Here is the count: “In every ten thousand atoms in the body there are: 6,300 hydrogen atoms, 2,550 oxygen atoms, 940 carbon atoms, 140 nitrogen atoms, 30 calcium atoms, 21 phosphorus atoms, and 19 atoms of other varieties. Of every million atoms in the body, there are 998,100 atoms of the types mentioned so far, 570 potassium atoms, 490 sulphur atoms, 410 sodium, 20 Chlorine atoms, 130 magnesium atoms, 38 iron atoms, 2 atoms of all other varieties. Each is a common element that we couldn’t do without. Sulphur atoms occur as essential parts of almost every protein in the body, so we can’t do without them. If we count the atoms, not in every ten thousand or even million, but in every billion, we find that of every billion atoms in the body there are: 999,998,000 atoms of the type mentioned so far, 1,500 zinc atoms, 170 manganese atoms, 170 copper atoms, 125 fluorine atoms, 20 iodine atoms, 10 molybdenum atoms and 5 cobalt atoms.” Any doubt remaining about the high voltage man? More evidence follows.
We go a step further in our study of atoms and we discover molecules which are the smallest part of an element. It may be composed of one or more atoms. If some of estimates of the brain capacity to absorb as many as one quadrillion separate bits of information, and as the English biologist, T.H. Huxley suggested that there was a separate key molecule for each separate memory, the total molecular energy in the brain alone staggers the imagination.
27 Science World, March 5, 1957
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When we search through volumes of human conjectures as to long chains of molecules in each amino acid, with new molecules of DNA and RNA, we conclude that it is impossible to fathom the mystery of life. To pretend that we understand all about catalysts, enzymes, hormones, photosynthesis, or a hundred or more other frills is sheer nonsense.
Since it is believed that every plant, every organism, and even every disease germ gives off is individual wave=length, it is easy to believe that the blood which is “the LIFE of the body,” is a potential electrical force. Could it be reasonable to suggest that it may be possible to diagnose disease by measuring the wave-length of the disease? The great Russian scientist George Lakhovsky thought so.
He wrote two books, “The Waves that Heal” and “The Secret of Life.” The latter appeared in French, German, Italian, and Spanish translations. A few discerning critics expressed their views with appreciative understanding. ‘The Hospital’ said, “Lakhovsky’s theories are so interesting from the viewpoint of future developments that it will repay any keen hospital officer to give them his close attention.” ‘The Medical World’ observed “The book is one of more than ordinary interest…It looks as if many formerly hopeless diseases may become capable of alleviation or even a cure.” ‘The Science Forum went further and wrote, “The admiral translations of Lakhovsky’s “The Secret of Life” will be heartily welcomed in progressive circles. The general theory is one which physicists, biologists, and medical men cannot afford to ignore.”
It appears that Lakhovsky was the first experimenter to make use of high frequency electro0magnetic waves in the domain of biology. Out of his experiments a new science of Radiobiology developed. Although Lakhovsky studied in New York, in 1942, he left behind a record of healing that should revolutionize medical science.
One of his fundamental principles is expressed in the axiom “Every living being emits radiations.” Like Dr. Galambos, this principle led to such diverse phenomena as instinct in animals, migration of birds, health and disease, and in general, all manifestations or organic life.
He agrees with others including Dr. Galambos that the nucleus of a living cell maybe compared to an electrical oscillating circuit. That they are comparable to the circuits, coils, and windings of radio-receivers; that the living cell can play the part of a transmitter or receiver of exceedingly short radio-electric saves which give rise to high frequency currents in the circuits of cellular nucleus. The vibration is maintained by radiated energy.
He points out that disease may be said to result from oscillatory disequilibrium due to either a deficiency or an excess of cell radiation. The action of Lakhovsky’s oscillating circuits is physical and in no sense psychological. This is proved by his transplant of cancer in plants and the removal f it by encircling the plant with an open metallic circle 30 centimeters in diameter and
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kept in position by an ebony rod from the circle to the ground. A photograph in his book “The waves that Heal” shows that the plant encircled by the metallic loop, shed its cancer. They all received the same care except for the metallic circle. The encircled plant flourished, but all the others perished. Since all cell structure in plants are so nearly alike to human cells, is it presumption to say that human cancer may also respond to similar vibrations? There is no secret that from the human emanates a variety of healing wave-lengths.
Dr. Dimitri Borodon’s investigations parallel those of the great Lakhovsky, for he said: “These radiations by living being cover an indefinite range and are characterized by a multitude of different wave lengths…In the immense range of existing radiations we can only perceive the luminous octave, but we know that whole gamuts of radiations exist beyond the narrow limits of the visible spectrum. The limitations of our senses prevent us from perceiving radiations of living beings, and this sensory incapacity also excludes form the field of direct awareness the vast gamut of electro-magnetic waves traversing our atmosphere. Yet all these radiations and waves exist and affect all forms of organic life in various ways.”
Numerous medical reports were compiled of the successes of Lakhovsky’s oscillating currents in a variety of cases.
In the last chapter of his book, “The Waves that Heal;” some interesting observations on the future developments of his theories were made. To me the most fascinating observation he made is in the last paragraph as follows: “Since all living matter is electrical in essence and since every disease results in disturbance of the oscillatory equilibrium in the cells which in turn causes variations in the normal frequency vibration of the protoplasm and of the blood, nothing would be simpler than to transmit by television these unbalanced frequencies in the form of a picture. In this way, we could get televised pictures of every specific disease. For example, tuberculosis would have a distinctive picture form while cancer would have a different one characteristic of malignant disease. Moreover, it is a matter of common knowledge that it is possible for a malignant tumor to develop in some part of the human body without the host being aware of it…But if by means of a television tube, or something similar, if it were possible to detect the presence of a malignant tumor by photographing the human organism and transform into pictures the disturbed radiations of bodily cells, then we would be able to “see” cancer or any organic disease transmitted on to a screen.”28
“Moreover, the blood of a cancerous person would differ from that of a diabetic or tuberculosis individual. It is permissible to assume that each of these blood cell groups have a specific wave length and consequently a specific form and color. The identification of these blood groups by
28 The Waves that Heal, Georges Lakhovsky, p. 59
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television would be of great value to medical science which would be revolutionized by such an advance.”29
The writer sums up my sentiments beautifully in these words: “To ignore such results and to leave Lakhovsky’s therapeutic methods untested is to commit a sin of omission as egregious as it is inexcusable. It behooves us therefore, to investigate and experiment in this new field of radiobiology without preconceived notions and without regard to professional vested interests or the ruling of authority. For as T.H. Huxley said: “The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority as such, for in every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority.”
Move with me now into a new field of scientific experiment. The word sex activity whether in relation to physiological changes as they naturally occur or in sexual relationship between sexes, leads us into new discoveries in bio-electricity. Has it ever occurred to you that if it were not for the electrical pull of the positive from the negative, there would be no movement of spermatozoa towards the ova to cause fertilization in the process of reproduction? When Rudolph Von Urban, M.D. wrote his fourth edition in 1949 of “Sex Perfection and Marital Happiness”, he never realized how much scientific evidence would mushroom to substantiate his conclusions. He wrote at that time, “The theory of electricity in matters of sex is not yet the common property of science.”30
Thirty years prior to his statement just quoted he hesitated to publish his findings because he could not prove them scientifically. But he goes on to say, “Now, encouraged by some new contributions to the problems of love and sex offered by the science of physics,” he is emboldened to present certain experiences to his readers, incredible though they may sound.
Many books have been recently been written on the physiology of sex. Yet the sexologists of all times past were unable to satisfactorily answer the question: “What is sex?” Outside the science of bio-electricity, there can be no answer. Dr. Urban’s book aforementioned, he refers to bio-electricity as ‘radiations’ a term commonly used by bio-physicists today.
In 1949 he said: “The expression ‘bio-electricity potential” may actually be something of a figure of speech, but by talking as if it were literally true, I have been able to improve the sex relations of innumerable couples.” Again he states; “It does not matter if ether exists or not; the important thing is that all occurrences take place exactly as they would if ether existed.” Dr. Urban then gives proof by a personal testimony from a friend that visible radiations were emitted from the body in total darkness following love play preparatory to the sexual act.
29 Ibid.
30 Sex Perfection and Marital Happiness, Rudolph Von Urban, 1949, p. 79, par. 3
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970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
By a little observation, you ladies will notice that your hair is difficult to manage during your menstrual periods. Beauty operators know this. The reason is that the hair is heavily charged with electricity during that period. Dr. Urban failed to disclose his findings for thirty years on advice of his friends that “I would arouse great opposition.” My venturesome spirit has led me to laugh at opposition. It has been consistently my belief that anyone, frightened at opposition, will retreat under fire and therefore unfit to lead in fields of scientific investigation. Evidence has always preceded scientific proof. I have shown that evidence abounds in the field of bio-electricity. If we are to wait for scientific proof to perform, many may go to untimely graves before that proof arrives.
Our hospitals are crowded with emotionally sick people. Is there scientific proof that no physical medicine can restore any or the most of them? There is a general belief that if the cause is known, the remedy can also be known. Scientific proof is lacking therefore, because there is an increase in the number of mental cases admitted to hospitals each year. It is believed that disequilibrium of the bio-electricity of certain brain cells contributes to mental instability. Must we wait for another decade before any professional concern is exerted in this direction for the relief of these unfortunate victims? The administration of foods designed to increase the bio-electricity in brain cells has restored a number of mental cases. A lack of sodium could easily to be a cause of disequilibrium.
My daughter-in-law tried for hours to get her baby to sleep. By the time I appeared on the scene she was fatigued. I suggested that she lie down and lay her baby across her abdomen. She did as I suggested with the result that the baby was asleep in a few minutes. The theory that prompted this experiment is that a relaxation of the baby’s tensions was provided by an exchange of electrical force between mother and child. There is no accepted scientific proof ot his, but results were obtained without it. In this case, common sense was worth as much as the scientific proof had it been available.
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Bio-Electricity in Health and Healing
In a magazine, the following was quoted: “Doctors and technicians at several hospitals and universities are learning that the human brain has a positive and negative pole location. The center of the forehead is negative and the base of the brain at the back of the head is positive. By suddenly reversing the polarity of the brains of animals, they have succeeded in tendering the animals unconscious.”31 Such sensitivities of the electrical balance of the brain is not to be ignored!
Furthermore the research by Dr. Becker, an orthopedic surgeon at New York’s Upstate medical Center claims: “Subtle changes in the geomagnetic field affect the nervous system by altering the body’s own electromagnetic field. Increased activity in the earth’s magnetic field has a direct relationship to admissions to mental hospitals.”32 The article goes on to say that the surgeon discovered that direct current electro=magnetic field surrounds the human body. With highly sensitive electrodes, Dr. Becker and physicist Charles Bachman mapped out this bio-electrical field which centers around the brain and spinal cord. It has a positive charge at the back of the brain and over the major spinal nerves at the shoulders and lower back. Historically, there are recorded witnesses of those that documented the human ‘aura’ around the head. The resemblance is remarkably the same. Thus, Dr. Becker’s research validates what historical witness has documented. Dr. Urban gives positive evidence that one is surrounded by an electrical field that has been seen in the dark. Dr. Becker also discovered that bio-electrical fields are PRIMARY forces in wound healing.33 The experimental evidence which I shall give surely fortifies his findings and the truthfulness of this report.
A New York City gynecologist and cytologist, Dr. K.E. MacLean, is the first reported M.D. to use an electro-magnetic activator in the treatment of advanced cases of cancer. So far although he has confirmed his treatment to those cases which are considered ‘hopeless,’ the results have been remarkable. “Cancer cannot exist,” claims MacLean, “within a strong magnetic field.”34 Proof could be multiplied with reference to increased growth of plants by the use of the electro-magnetic field. Then why should it be so difficult to believe that man, being a bio-electric creature may respond favorably to the influences of these emanations in matters pertaining to health?
31 Fate Magazine, July 1964 issue, p. 30.
32 Fate Magazine, July 1964 issue, p. 33.
33 Ibid.
34 Fate Magazine, July 1964, p. 35.
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970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
Further evidence is documented in an article entitled “Tuning In on the Brain”35 where Dr. Jose Delgado’s laboratory research conducted at the Yale University School of Medicine, identified that by way of a two way hookup, was enabled to stimulate the brain of monkeys with a radio signal and alter the animal’s behavior. At this same week, an official report to the Wayne County Medical Society in Detroit, Delgado described how human patients have been wired in this same way. Delgado demonstrated that he could effectively stimulate the brain with “electrical impulses to boost a patients’ rate of speech to 44 words per minute from eight”36 and as well, “augment the patients’ friendly attitude towards the researchers.”37 Again, we note in this report, “We have developed something like a cerebral pacemaker,” says Delgado, “driving the brain as a cardiac specialist can drive the heart.”38
Bio-electrical phenomena are cited by E.J. Lund, Professor of Physiology and a staff of collaborators from the University of Texas in “Bio-Electric Fields and Growth” published in 1947. The study of bio-electric phenomena in horticulture and physiology are gaining in favor as men of good reputation have become courageous to enter a study that hitherto has been a subject of ridicule and slander. It is true as one layman said, that bio-electricity is not a dead science dumped in the dustbin of inconclusive failures.
Electricity seems to be a basic ingredient of life. Light is an electrical phenomena. Heat is radiant energy and radiant energy is defined by Webster as the energy of electromagnetic waves. In simple language, light and sound are manifestations of electrical energy. The heart and the brain are the main organs that generate electrical impulses. A diagnosis of the heart and brain made possible because of radiations that are graphed. Most are now familiar where television news or special public presentations will show the electricity path of human brain activity. The brilliant research of Dr. Lakhovsky predicted within his book “The Waves that Heal” that some day one would view by television what disease is in the patient by the pattern of its electricity. The fact that film has captured and put the brain-wave reports on TV, this visionary’s prediction that bio-electrical research would finally come to mainstream media shows the acceptance of what was previously viewed as fringe elements and not credible has now become acceptable and ‘scientific.’ Dr. Lakhovsky hoped that one day film would identify the pathogens whether of cancer or other disease would be captured on film and available to the public. Today photographs from dark field microscopes and electron microscopes are used to identify pathogens again fulfilling his hopes for mainstream research to inform the public via film media and tv.
35 Newsweek Magazine, April 8, 1968, p. 84
36 Ibid
37 Ibid
38 Ibid
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
I have a clipping before me from a source unknown. A medical research clinic is credited with its report. It reads like this: “What is of great interest to us is the fact that there are genuine and well-documented reports from all over the world of diagnosing illnesses accurately and treating it with the proper therapy simply by the practitioners ability to “tune in” on some unknown wave length that the patient is broadcasting. It is more evidence that we have not even begun to scratch the surface of what there is to be learned about bio-electrical influences on life and health and how they work.”
From the evidence set forth, it is not difficult to comprehend that therapy can be given by the use of wave length. One recent experiment is the study of digestive processes with the invention of ‘The Radio Pill.’ It is an FM transmitter encapsulated in plastic, only two fifths of an inch in diameter. This is swallowed by the patient and subsequently transmits messages from within the body. The sanquinometer, the electronic heart, and hearing aid were inventions that challenged researchers and inventors to harness the voltage within man to the restoration of man’s disequilibrium… Even better is to do it without mechanical devices of any kind. It is now an accomplished fact, but by too few. Every person may tune in to their own Bio-electric wave lengths to relieve many aggravating discomforts as I shall presently show.
A worker on a U.S. Air Base in Southern California was a victim of menstrual cramps that incapacitated her for one week each month. My boss asked me to take her home on occasion of one of her cramping seizures. On the way to her home I explained to her the workings of the laws of bio-electricity. I then told her to put her left hand on the back of her head and her right hand over the area of the cramps. By the time we arrived at her home the pain was gone. There were no reoccurrences for years after. This experience has come to many whose condition was similar. This information is worth the price of this book to such suffering individuals to learn. It might be well to underscore this observation.
Understandings of laws that bring success to those who desire to restore equilibrium are necessary. The first one is that electricity travels from NEGATIVE to POSITIVE poles. Those who have been working with VITA THERAPY for many decades have learned that the right hand of a right handed person is corresponding to the positive pole of a battery; whereas, the left hand is a positive pole of a left-handed person. With this principle in mind, we will examine a few actual cases that will serve as evidence of these true findings.
A man and his wife brought their boy to the office for treatment of a mastoid. The pain was greatly reduced after a time, but not reduced to normal. I asked the father to continue the treatment while I ate my lunch. When I returned, the boy was suffering while mom and dad were not treating, but they merely stood there wringing their hands. When he told me that pain returned soon after he started to treat him, I asked him if he were left handed. He said yes. I then explained the principle of polarity in bio-electric therapy. He reversed the treatment
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
by placing his right hand on the mastoid process and his left hand over the liver area. Soon all pain was gone again.
Another example will suffice to certify the workings of this universal law. It is the story of a woman who had surgery for the removal of a breast. Following the surgery, the condition returned. After a year of searching for the cure, she was told by a reliable medical physician that her case was hopeless. In fact, her husband was told not to spend another dime on her; that there was not one chance in a million for her.
She decided to try Vita Therapy. By now she was unable to walk. Her lungs seemed filled with fluid and she breathed with great difficulty. She had been unable to lie down for a year or more. I determined to use Vita Therapy to encourage the cancer to move to the surface, thus the left hand was placed opposite to the cancer on the breast and the right hand was placed upon the growth. You see, the electricity travelling from the negative left hand to the positive right hand, carried waste material to the open sore and eliminated it. I will present evidence later on that germs are destroyed by the human body’s generated electricity. For now, I want you to understand the principle of negative and positive poles. Now when the hands were placed in the position just described, a strong drawing sensation was felt which increased to the point of severe pain.
When the pain became unbearable, I reversed my hands and placed my left hand where my right hand had been. The pain immediately subsided. But when the hands were again reversed, the pain increased until she could stand it no longer. The process of reversing the hands continued whenever the pain became too severe, the treatment continuing for one hour. This experience revealed that a positive natural force was ever present. And may I suggest that it is one of the UNIVERSAL LAWS that an All-Wise Creator set into operation at Creation. The same law of law of life “that sustains the unnumbered world throughout immensity; that lives in the insect atom which floats in the summer breeze; that wings the flight of the swallow, and feeds the young ravens which cry; that brings the bud to blossom and the flower to fruit.”39 The writer in this book speaks of this force as “A mysterious life that pervades all nature.”40
Some would have us believe that electricity is a mysterious force that belongs to the devil. I quote from one ignorant and unwise individual who wrote as follows: “Electricity is also a mystery and it is Satan’s masterpiece to tempt us to try to solve the things that GOD has not revealed.”41 Correctly, without a ‘dark ages’ mentality, one inspired writer wrote the following beautiful words that are in harmony with all true scientific investigation: “There is life in the seed, there is power in the soil; but unless infinite power is exercised day and night, the seed
39 Medical Ministry, E. Harmon, p. 9
40 Ibid.
41 Satan’s Last Deception, p. 8
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
will yield no return. The showers of rain must refresh the thirsty fields; the sun must impart warmth; electricity must be conveyed to the buried seed. The life which the Creator has implanted, He alone can call forth. Every seed grows; every plant develops by the power of GOD.”42
Biology includes both plants and animals. There is little question that electronic waves have biological effects. It is believed that radio, television and radar waves can harm the human nervous system and alter men’s behavior. Electro-magnetic radiation studies have been going on for more than 200 years, but health officials failed to evaluate them prior to a Pennsylvania Health Conference in 1965. Since then science has contributed much toward the healing effects of electromagnetic radiations on animals. It has been shown that “plants and animals generate electric fields and currents.”43
Scientific information reveals that move and better crops result from applying electromagnetic waves to seeds and soil. Since the plant cells are similar to those found in the human organism, is it strange to say that individuals have greatly improved in health by the application of Bio-electricity? Men have brought health to thousands by using this life-giving force without knowing they were using a law of bio-dynamics.
Personal experiences are, of course, the ones we remember the best, but are reluctant to relate. Friends have urged men to do so that others who are knowledgeable may be encouraged to relieve suffering without the use of drugs. I will first relate some experiences of my teacher of Vita Therapy from his account of twenty-five years of practice.
Writing the subject under discussion, he said: “One of the objects in writing this small work is to show the reader that this subject is not the product of imagination, but that it has been used by all ages and by all classes of people for the healing of the sick. During my twenty-five years of constant practice, which has been given wholly to the use of Bio-electricity, I have learned that it is a Universal Law. …My letter files contain many reports from students showing their success to be equally as great as mine.”
Some things mentioned by him following his many years of continuous practice are that when the Art of its application is once understood and mastered, one needs not fear any acute disease. By acute diseases, he mentions such ailments such as blood poisoning ptomaine poisoning,44 typhoid fever, pneumonia fever, erysipelas, abscesses of the gall bladder, appendicitis, and especially the ailments for which women too frequently submit to operations. If it is equal for such acute and dangerous diseases as mentioned is it difficult for one to believe
42 Education, E. Harmon, p. 104.
43 Scientific American, October 1971.
44 Food poisoning, a basic nitrogenous organic compound produced by bacterial putrefaction of protein.
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
and soon learn to trust in it as a remedy for chronic ailments? My instructor stated: “I have yet a single failure to observe among Vita Therapy workers in the treatment of blood poisoning, typhoid or pneumonia fever. Such a record has never been made by any other system (of therapy).”
In asking you as a reader to investigate and acquaint yourself with such law, I am simply putting you in touch with the powers that have removed all fear of these diseases from my mind. It will save large medical bills, hospitalization bills, suffering and postpone death in some cases.
The percentage of cures by Vita Therapy has been so high that it would be difficult to get a practitioner of any other system of therapy to believe it. It is true there are cases that are not cured by this method, yet the fault lies NOT in the method, but in the inability to properly diagnose the case and apply it correctly. There are patients who will not give it the time, but expect a miracle, and if some evidence of recovery is not noticed, they stop all treatment. Time for nature to repair is just as essential under Vita Therapy as any other system of therapy, yet its power to heal is so incredibly great that there are but few cases where if given the same length of time as other systems of therapy, that only impatience delays its cure.
The greatness of the power of Bio-electricity to cure is seen in the fact that most of the cases treated by this system, are those that have been abandoned by others, and not a few have been seriously injured by other forms of treatment such as serums and surgery. Acute cases respond favorably and the value of the system recognized if applied before any other treatment has been given.
One of the most important points to be considered about Vita Therapy is that it is a Home Remedy. Much has been stressed regarding various kinds of drugs and different forms of treatment for home use. Nothing is more needed at this time in every home than a remedy that is reliable and safe. One has only to read the papers to learn of a number of people that have been poisoned, both adults and children by administering drugs at home, even those drugs that have been considered harmless. Vita Therapy is absolutely harmless, and can be applied by any member of the family. No greater need exists than that of a home remedy. Note the multitudes of homes that are financially wrecked because of the number of operations, all because the family knew nothing to do for themselves. At the beginning of every pain or physical disturbance, they have gone to the allopathic doctor at a tremendous cost.
There is not a single chronic disease that is not the product of some acute disease that has not been successfully treated. If Vita Therapy had no other place in our lives than that of the home remedy, it would be a most valuable possession of every home.
I could relate many testimonies from families who have possessed this knowledge, showing the diseases they had overcome, the suffering they stopped and prevented, and the person
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
restored to health in a short time, even though doctors had declared that an operation was the only possible remedy. Students inform us that they have never spent one cent for doctor bills since knowing of this great law.
Another field of the work is that of ministers. My instructor Dr. Swick declared: “We have a number of active pastors who have placed in their congregations public clinics, using nothing but what we commonly identify as Vita Therapy. Some of these clinics have been operating for over two years and one pastor reported that he had over 90 percent success, and was now treating about 50 patients per week. He made his annual report in which he stated that many of the so-called incurable diseases had been successfully handled.”
Another important subject to be well understood is that of diagnosis, which is very essential if you are to apply the system correctly and produce the greatest results. Often treatments have failed because the treatment has not been applied at the seat or core of the trouble, and then the system has been condemned as being of no value. Be fair. Do not look for results as soon as the first treatment is over. Give this system as fair a test as you would any other. Do not ask the patient how he feels as soon as the treatment is given. You would not ask a patient how he felt as soon as he swallowed a dose of medicine or took an adjustment or any other form of treatment. Then why should we ask him how he feels following a Vita Therapy treatment.
One is a form of Vita Therapy treatment known as “passes” and I present a brief presentation of their immense value. Knowing their value in treating, I suggest that we use them in a majority of cases if you desire quick and almost instantaneous results. These passes can be made over the bare skin or over garment clad areas. The hands should be moistened occasionally while administering the “passes.” The amount of pressure to be used should be very light, just enough to make a fair contact. The time from the top of the head to the end of the toes should not exceed a couple of seconds. There is no occasion to be made rapidly, neither too slowly.
If there is pain in any part of the spine, have the patient lie on his abdomen and with moistened hands, make fifty or a hundred passes over the part of the back where the suffering exists. There are conditions that may require several hundred passes so do not stop short of the amount necessary to bring relief.
A lumbago attack may demand more than one treatment. If other methods fail to relieve, one may proceed with confidence with passes. One lumbago sufferer who failed to respond to the usual methods came to our office for treatment. About three hundred passes were made, beginning about the center of the spine, then down over the small of the back and the top of the hips. After remaining quiet for about a half-hour, all pain entirely disappeared. There was a tendency to stiffness, but no more pain. Another treatment was given in about eight hours later consisting of 300 passes, and every system of lumbago disappeared.
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
The passes may be made over any part of the body in which there is extreme suffering and should always begin a short distance above the point of trouble and continue down to a distance below the pain, in some instances to the toe tips.
In the case of trouble in the knee, passes are made with one hand on each side of the limb, beginning some distance above the knee and continuing down over the knee to the end of the toes. The number of passes must be governed wholly by the severity of the pain. It is important to keep the hands fairly well moistened at all times. In some cases, a web cloth applied to the bottom of the foot, or the foot can be placed within a basin of water while the passes are being given, and these steps are of great value. Think of how water conducts electricity, same for bio-electricity.
The following are some ailments that usually respond quickly. There are acute conditions that afford an opportunity to prove the power and efficacy of Vita Therapy. If these truths are established in the treating of acute cases, you can appreciate their value in chronic cases if properly applied and given time.
Vita Therapy for the eyes is exceedingly valuable. First determine the condition that exists. If the eyes are infected, I would place my right hand directly over the eye with the left hand on the top of the back of the head. I would keep my hands well moistened and apply only a gentle pressure over the eye ball. I would continue this position for thirty minutes, then follow this by standing in back of the patient and making many passes from the inner corner of the eye out towards the outer corner with the fingers well moistened. Fifty or more of such passes may be of great value. Frequently this will remove all pain and suffering. Other eye conditions will be discussed later. I’ll just mention here that my spouse stopped a case of progressing glaucoma in my right eye. My report is confirmed that it is now my best eye!
If you desire to witness quick results, try any case of blood poisoning or infections. From personal experience I will say that I have seen a blood poisoning case completely eliminated in three treatments. I’ll mention one case now. A man’s hand was infected by handling lumber at a saw mill. Three days later, the tell-tale red streaks were plainly visible on his arm all the way from his hand to a place about two inches above the elbow. His wife was instructed in the principles of Vita Therapy and after applying the therapy for three days, the streaks had entirely disappeared and healing had well set in.
If the blood poisoning is in the hand, the palm of the negative pole right hand is placed on the opposite side of the infection and the palm of the positive pole left hand directly over the point of infection. Continue this for at least thirty minutes. If this method should produce increased pain, then stop the treatment for a few moments, let the patient rest and then repeat. Let this treatment cover about thirty minutes and possibly more.
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
In severe cases, this treatment should be given twice daily. If the infection is so great that the lymphatics are infected and red streaks have gone up the arm, then place the left hand on the arm as far as the red streaks are noticed, later on returning to the treatment as described previously. Passes may be of value when given at the conclusion of any treatment. Hold the left hand above the infection and make passes downward with the right hand to the end of the fingers. These should NEVER EVER be made upwards (would spread the infection). Fifty or a hundred passes are usually enough at one session.
Burns! And who doesn’t know how painful burns can be! As soon as a burn occurs, nothing but your hands are needed to alleviate burn pain. We place the palm of the right hand directly over the burn and the left hand as nearly opposite as possible then continue the holding treatment for 15 to 20 minutes. If this should be too painful, let the patient rest a few moments then repeat. If the burn is deep, then treat twice the first day.
Diarrhea and food poisoning respond well to treatment, and especially for children. Let the patient lie on his back. The right hand is placed on the small of the back and the left hand upon the abdomen. The hands should be moved frequently from one location to another, covering the entire abdomen. The time of treatment is about thirty minutes. It is not wise to treat the patient more than twice a day unless some great emergency exists. With the standard treatment of giving drugs to stop diarrhea, it is unwise to stop bowels too quickly.
In the case of food poisoning and the bowels not moving freely, it is always wise to cleanse the bowels thoroughly with an enema. My instructor stated: “I have never known this treatment to fail to give relief within thirty minutes. Remember that in all treatments, the hands should be kept well moistened at all times.” Stop all foods except fruit juices. Give these liberally for a couple of days following an attack.
Tonsillitis is treated as follows: Sit at the left side of the client and place the fingers of the left hand over the right tonsil and the thumb over the left one. Place the right hand firmly on the back of the neck. This treatment should continue for about 20 minutes and in severe cases, twice a day. You will find it helpful to massage the tonsils gently while holding the hands in this position.
The question “Can you do anything for headaches?” presents itself probably more than any other question. During the years I had a medical doctor working with me in my office, we guaranteed to stop any kind of a headache or the patient was under no obligation to pay for treatments. Now one must be sure of himself to make an offer like that.
There are many kinds of headaches and the following treatment proved successful in the most of cases. Manipulate around the entire base of the brain at the point where the neck enters the skull. This is usually extremely sore and should be repeated if the headache is chronic. Do
Faithful Covenant
970 W. Valley Parkway, PMB #170 Escondido, CA 92025
it gently to begin with and increase the intensity of the pressure as the patient will permit. The soreness will all disappear.
If the face is red, then sit on the right side of the patient and make passes, beginning at the eyes, pushing our hands up over the forehead, over the top of the head to the back of the head and neck, around and over the top of the shoulders and down the back a short distance. This may be done 30 times or more. The patient should remain absolutely quiet for 15-20 minutes following the treatment. NOTE: If the face is of a pasty pallor, do not make these passes down ward but UPWARDS, beginning at the abdomen and stroking upwards over the chest to the top of the head.
The treatment of sores by Vita Therapy has been almost 100% successful. The method employed has always been that of keeping the sore clean and applying the right hand directly over it regardless of where it is located. If it is large, open and discharging freely, moisten a thin piece of flax-linen gauze and apply it to the sore. Place the palm of the right hand directly over it with the left hand as nearly opposite as is possible. Use firm enough pressure to make good contact. Give this treatment for thirty minutes or more. Daily treatment is essential for success. Sometimes this treatment will cause a severe drawing sensation, resembling that of a poultice. When this is a fact, you may be sure the treatment is working and all you need to do is to give it time. You will seldom if ever, see a scab form. It will begin to grow red around the edges and become smaller. It will soon begin to fill in from the bottom and when level with the surface, the skin will form leaving but little if any, scar.
Old ulcers, boils and carbuncles are treated the same way. Other conditions will be considered in other chapters. Inasmuch as herbs supply us with vitamins and essential minerals, I shall devote several chapters to the place of herbs in rational therapy.